Weight loss goal

Saturday, January 29, 2011


So I've been wearing these baggy stretchy pants (on the right) because I thought they looked more "age appropriate" and I also thought they were more comfortable than my regular jeans that got too tight on me.  With my reflux I have to be careful not to wear tight clothes around my stomach because it causes the acids to back up on me and I cough more than I normally do. The thing is with these pants I feel sloppy and fat.

The other day I found these stretchy jeans (in the same size) at WalMart on sale (on the left) which are form fitting. I love them but am worried that at my age I should be wearing the baggy pants. With these pants I find myself holding in my stomach and standing up straighter. I love the way the feel on my legs. They do have a stretch waistband so they are not tight on my stomach (YAY) so no more reflux than usual...

 So I decided to take a picture (with my cell phone) of me in both with everything the same except the pants to compare and  see which one I feel looks better. I really tried to get the same position and I think I got close but WOW what a difference. I don't care if it isn't "age appropriate" to wear the tighter (I like to call them my skinny jeans) ones and I want to buy another pair in blue jean color.  I think it's important to feel good about what you are wearing. (I like my calves in the tighter pants)...
More Later

Friday, January 28, 2011

Not giving up

just haven't been able to organize my mind enough to sit down and actually type up a blog.  When I'm in my truck I can think of all kinds of things (not boring) to write but when I sit down to my computer it's all gone..my mind is blank or there is so much jumbled in there that I can't get  a coherent sentence out.

I still haven't gone to the doc to check out to see if it is my Thyroid but I have gone to the gym a few times and I did a Abs workout this morning while listening to an old CD that I found..Mountain Serenity...cool music with bird calls and waterfall sounds..very relaxing. I feel better today than I have been. That could be because I've been going to bed early..I've been so cold that it seems the only place I can get warm is in my bed...I do have a tv in my bedroom so I've been watching it in the evenings.

My friend C gave me his old laptop that he had dropped and #1 niece fixed it for me so the plan is for me to take it to work with me and maybe I can come up with some good blogs and post them. We'll see how that works...no promises...I did call the phone company and sign up for DSL service so no more dial up..that should make my life easier?

More later!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I just don't get it!

Last week I didn't do a bit of exercise...No gym, no TaeBo workout & none of the new workout program.
I was discouraged because the week that I did ALL I gained ...true it was only .5 pounds but come on, here I was sweating my butt off morning and night and I still couldn't even get a .5 pound loss...instead I gained...So when the snowstorm hit I was depressed..couldn't get out to the gym if I wanted too...and I just couldn't find the motivation to pop in the TaeBo workout and definitely didn't want to do the new workout with the dreaded "Inchworm"...So for 3 days I stayed home and did absolutely nothing...just sat around and watched the news on tv...oh yeah I did clean up my spare room the first day of the storm but truthfully that only took me about a half hour and there wasn't all that much "exercise" to it. It felt good knowing the room was clean enough so that IF I had company and they saw it they wouldn't think me a "slob". The 4th day of the storm I did go out and shovel my driveway..that was a workout and it took me 3 hours...but otherwise there was NO exercise all last week....
Anyway I decided that I would weigh myself this morning....a scary thing...I said my little prayer that I didn't gain but at least stayed the same weight...Would you believe I LOST 2 pounds...I just don't get it!

I've been checking into Hypothyroidism....I'm thinking that I might have a thyroid problem...from the article I read it seems that women 60 yrs and older are at the highest risk. What is hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It makes hormones that control the way your body uses energy.

Most of the signs are there for me...
weight gain, dry skin & brittle nails, depression, bothered by cold,  & memory problems. It's been weird for me that I never had any problem losing weight 5 years ago doing the same things I'm doing now. I noticed my nails about a month ago and figured I wasn't getting enough nutrients in my diet. I've dealt with depression all my life but lately it seems to hit me more often and is harder for me to control. This past summer I noticed that I'm always cold at night...I've always loved going backpacking in the winter more than summer but I just couldn't face the cold this past winter, I figured it was due to the weight I'm carrying but now I'm thinking maybe there is something physically wrong with me...It would be nice if my memory loss is something physical too...it worries me that I have such a hard time remembering things...especially since I love to learn. I know that I'm in line for Alzheimer's and worry about it but knowing that there really isn't anything I can do about that now I just try to live my life to the fullest I can. And to do that I need to be as fit as I can get. There are so many things I still want to do NOW...and my weight is keeping me from doing it...so what is the answer?
Since I don't have health insurance I'm going to check into one of these "minute clinics" to see if they can do the blood test to test for Hypothyroidism. In ways it would be nice to have an answer and know that there is a treatment for it...My #1 niece is on medication for it...so I know it runs in the family...

I did do my new workout this morning...not because I think it's going to help me lose this weight but because I feel better if I exercise...I made a commitment to doing this 12 week workout program and I'm not going to let a little setback stop me from completing it.
As always I go forward...never letting obstacles get in my way...leaping over tall building here...see my cape flying in the sky. LOL

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 6 of Atlanta Snowstorm

 Tip:There's no such thing as failure. There's only feedback. Stop judging yourself & start recognizing it for what it is, an entry point for learning. The truth is, if you're not failing then you're not really reaching & really trying. If you don't like the outcome of a situation, learn from it, make corrections & reap...proach wiser & stronger until you achieve your goals. Success is in big part a matter of attrition. Jullian Michaels on FB

Day 4 the sun is finally shining and I make it to work!

Let it snow....someplace else!
 It hasn't been a good past week for me...I'm still having trouble getting motivated and am still not feeling well.
More later!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Why is it so easy to get discouraged and so hard to stay motivated?
Still have this headache (might be from too much reading) and achy feeling all over this morning. Didn't do any exercise.
I'm on my way over to a friends (an that all he is "a friend") place maybe he can cheer me up and help me get motivated. He has an old laptop he's giving me. He dropped it and it isn't working so he got a new one instead of getting it fixed. All I have to do is see about getting it fixed. Keeping my fingers crossed that it won't take much to fix. Will let my #1 niece look at it..she's good at that kind of thing.

I like my new look on the blog...but still not in the mood to be witty or insightful..maybe tomorrow will be better.
More later

Saturday, January 8, 2011

not feeling good about myself

I did a no no yesterday and weighed myself.(instead of waiting til Monday)..I was hoping for maybe a .5# loss but instead I've gained .5#..
Not sure what is going on with my body...it might be something medically wrong with me (like a thyroid problem) but since I don't have any medical insurance I won't be going to a doctor to find out. I'll just have to keep trying my own way. I didn't do any workout yesterday because I'm still dealing with a headache and some bowel problems (also being discouraged), still not feeling too good today so didn't workout again this morning. I still have my 3rd workout for this week to do and I'm hoping I will feel better tomorrow (my day off) so I can get it done. I will say that if this workout didn't have the dreaded "Inchworm" I would have probably done it no matter how I felt this morning (haha so I tell myself)...

I need an attitude adjustment today...good thing I'm off work tomorrow...We are expecting a big snow storm to come in latter tomorrow so I need to get to the store to buy "whatever" I need in case I get snowed in...LOL...Atlanta is so funny about that...I do have firewood, candles and my books (and 3 headlamps just in case) so I am ready...
More later

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Running late AGAIN!

But I did do my TaeBo (really pushed myself and sweated up a storm..whoohooo), Vitamins & Supplements taken, did my dishes and paid my bills on line so I think I might be forgiven today.

I didn't go to the gym last night.I had tummy problems and a terrific headache but am feeling better this morning so still have my gym bag packed and plan on going tonight.

Having my yummy veggie soup for lunch today again.
No time for words of wisdom today..maybe tomorrow...lol
More later

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Not letting my inner voice rule the day!

When I woke up this morning, I laid in bed and thought about how much I hate the "inchworm" and almost had myself convinced that I couldn't do it today...but I know that if I give into that inner voice today, it will just be that much harder tomorrow. So I got out of bed and did my 2nd day of the new workout. It wasn't easy to get my mind set but by the  time I got to the "inchworm" I knew that I would do all 10 of them no matter what.. I Can't let that inner voice control me anymore. I'm determined to make it through the next 4 weeks keeping to my plan. I will do the new workout 3 times a week. I will go to the gym at least 3 times a week, if not more. I will get cardio everyday (except my rest day). I know that it won't be easy and there will be lots of excuses that my inner voice will come up with but if I give up on this program then I will fail myself. I know I can do this and I WILL.

I did go to the gym last night after work..almost let the inner voice talk me out of it when I saw all the cars in the parking lot. All the New Year Resolutioners were there in full. I did 20 mins on the treadmill (had to use one of the ones that the incline doesn't work on because they were all busy)..and I did an upper body workout with the weight machines. No way was I going to go into the weight room to work with the free weights..I've got my gym bag packed for tonight!

Added some dark red kidney beans to my homemade veggie soup to take to work with me for lunch. The thing I love about making homemade veggie soup is that I can add something differant to it each day...

So today so far I've done my morning exercise workout, taken my vitamins & supplements, packed my gym bag and lunch and gave myself a pat on the back...Not Bad..
Feeling pretty darn good!
More later!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Running late today!

I did my TaeBo tape this morning and got all sweaty..took my shower and checked my emails...now I'm out of time for anything else..Good thing I packed my gym bag and lunch last night...
Feeling good today!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Damage Control!

I've been afraid to weigh myself the last couple of weeks. I just knew with eating the way I have and not getting as much exercise as I should that I was back up to where I was when I began this blog.
So I "bit the bullet" and got on the scale this morning (after making sure I emptied my bladder because we all know that make a big difference...LOL). I did gain but not as much as I thought I had. I weighed in at 215.2 pounds..a 3 pound gain...not good but better than I thought. My goal is to be under 200 by my birthday...

I've done my "new" exercise program this morning. It took me 30 mins, which I'm okay with but as the weeks progress they will take longer..I'm not sure about this but I'm going to give it my "all". I did work up a good sweat doing them even though they are pretty simple exercises..The one I hate the most is the "Inchworm".
Step 1
Starting Position: From a standing position with your feet together or slightly apart, stiffen (“brace”) your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine. (This I can do)
Step 2
Gently exhale and bend forward from your hips ("hip hinging"), keeping your knees extended (but not locked), and extend your arms in front of your body while slowly lowering your torso towards the floor until you can place your fingers or palms of your hands on the floor in front of your body. Maintaining a flat spine and a soft bend in your knees during this movement is acceptable.
Step 3
Slowly begin to walk your hands forward (6-12” or 12 ½ - 25 cm steps) without moving your feet (your heels will begin to rise off the floor). Continue walking yourself forward until you reach a full-push-up position where your spine, hips and head are level with the floor (plank position).
Step 4
Perform one full push-up (HA), lowering your chest and hips simultaneously to the floor while maintaining a rigid torso and head aligned with your spine. Do not allow your low back to sag or your hips to hike upwards during this downward phase. Continue to lower yourself until your chest or chin touch the floor (No way..if I go all the way I can't get back up). Allow your elbows to flare outwards during the lowering phase.
Step 5
Press upwards through your arms while maintaining a rigid torso and head aligned with your spine. Do not allow your low back to sag or your hips to hike upwards. Continue pressing until the arms fully extend at the elbows. Slowly begin walking your feet forward towards your hands, taking 6-12” steps without moving your hands. Maintain a flat spine throughout and continue walking until your feet are close to your hands.
Step 6
Repeat this movement and continue for 10 – 15 yards (9-13 m).
I never did get a "full" push-up. I thought that I would have more trouble getting down but it was getting back up from the down position that caused me problems..My arms are too short! I always say this and no one ever believes me..LOL. I had to do 10 and by the last one I was moaning.. The only good thing about it was this is the last exercise before cool down. I wanted to quit at 3 but made myself do all 10 just to prove that I could do it. What makes it worse is that my daughter can do this one easy..she makes it look like a "cake walk"...I'll just keep working at it until I get right!

Well enough fun..I'm off to get my hair cut this morning...and of course it looks good today..never fails..but I'm still getting it cut short! Short for me is so much better.. I don't have to mess with it in the morning..gives me more time to do my exercise...hmmmmm!

More later

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I have all the tools!

There is no reason for me not to reach my goal. I have only myself to answer to if I fail (and I hate failure). As this new year begins I'm taking a look at what I need to do to get motivated to get fit and to stay that way once I get there.

I've set a goal to be able to fit into my size 12/14 pants (the ones I've packed away) by my birthday in April. To accomplish this I'm adding a new 12 week workout program (found online with ACE) to what I'm already doing as I feel that I haven't pushed myself as much as I can. Friday night I went over to my daughters and we went through the exercises & cool down stretches. I find that although I am "freakish" strong I am still very out of shape, especially as far as my core/abs and being able to do "floor" exercise (which I hate). We had a lot of laughs because my body just doesn't want to do some of these things. For instance the "Child Pose" which I've never been able to keep my butt down on my heels even when I was doing Pilate's at my "goal" weight. I just have too big of a butt! Today I typed up a workout sheet to help me keep on track for the next 4 weeks. My plan is to do these exercises & stretches 3 times a week in the morning alternating with a couple of days of doing my TaeBo tape. I will treat myself with going to the gym and lifting weights after work. I love feeling strong especially when I'm lifting weights. Like I said I think I'm "freakishly" strong. I can bench press 95-100 pounds.

The pants won't be my only motivation/reward. I've got my sight set on a 4 hr "Wild Edibles" class to learn the basics of identifying, collecting & preparing wild plants. It will also cover poisonous plants to avoid. This is something I've always been interested in but never had a chance to do. My outdoor group is doing this and a hike on my birthday in April but the sign up isn't until the first of March. The class is on a Saturday which I'm suppose to work but I'm promising myself that if I can stay on "plan" then I will take the day off and do this as a reward.

To reach my goal I know that what I really have to get under control is my diet/foods. For the past couple of weeks I've been out of control. Not just eating sweets but constantly putting something in my mouth whether I was hungry or not. I have the knowledge on what I can eat and get healthy. I have lots of cookbooks and am constantly looking for new healthy vegetarian recipes on line. The biggest challenge will to be to get back to eating fresh veggies and stay within my budget of $30-$40 a week for groceries.  I know for me it works best if I eat 5 instead of 3 small meals a day. I may not be able to afford the organic foods that I ate when I lost the weight before but I think I can still eat healthy with what I can afford..fresh & frozen veggies are good too.

I know that I get to discouraged when I TRY to keep written track of what I eat and calories but I'm pretty good at reading labels so I don't buy high calorie foods. I do have to watch my portion control. This morning I cleaned out my fridge and threw into my mulch bin all of the left over sweets (from Christmas) which included the rest of the brownies, eggnog fudge, eggnog/cherry/pecan quick bread and mini cheesecakes. I did save the small candy canes which I plan on sucking/eating when I have a craving to eat in between meals.
Hopefully by the time I run out of them I will have this mindless eating under control.

I still get emails from SparkPeople which gives me recipes & motivational articles. Also I check out daily other blogs for motivation. My daughter is trying to lose weight too and is doing the new workout also. So we will give each other motivation.

I can't think of anything else I need or could use (except more money) to get to my goal.