Weight loss goal

Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's a beautiful day

Feeling good here today...I went for my walk at the park, talked to some friends, came home to eat my oatmeal and talked with my Daughter on the phone...checked my emails & FB..and now I'm here!!!
Whooo hooo...
It's so nice outside I think I'll spend the rest of the morning on my back patio reading...who knows I might even pick up the rake and rake some of the back yard..then take a shower and go to work...
Sounds like a PLAN to me!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A day in my life...

I started out planning to come here and blog EVERY day no matter what...but I haven't been doing so well at it..I have composed a few blogs that I decided not to post because they were too Negative...alot of beating myself up because I'm not doing what I said I was on April 1st...and here it is 3 weeks later and I've still not got it under control...Who knew how hard this was going to be?  I did! That's why I've put off (which is the easier way) of trying to get control of my life and weight ...

It's so easy to come home in the morning after work and sit at the computer, go to FB and play MW...and before you know it..it's time to go to work for the evening...and I haven't done any of the things I promised myself that I would do..hmmmm...
I need to turn this around NOW...Instead of Beating myself up this week I'm going to look at what I have done right and what else I need to do..

Sure I have been walking at the park about 2-3 times a week..need to up this to everyday..
Eating has been better on the most part but still not where I need it to be IF I truly want to lose this weight..
I did lose about 5 pounds the first week but I found 4 of them back...
I went back to drinking Decaf Green Tea with honey instead of Black tea with sugar...my tummy is doing better thanks...but still not drinking enuff Water...

I've been soo cold lately..can't seem to warm up and I use this as an excuse not to do anything...I need to get motivated and move around some...get out one of my exercise tapes and work up a sweat..that should warm me up...
so off I go...
More Later

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rainy Day and Cravings!

It's been a rainy day today and I ended up staying at home after taking a couple of truck loads of stuff to the Great American Clean Up that Auburn was holding...got rid of some of the stuff I couldn't sell at my yard sale..
I also returned the exercise bike I was borrowing from my neighbor...for untold reasons I CAN NOT ride the bike...I know that a recumbent bike is ok but I can't sit on a straight up bike...which is kind of sad since some of my fav memories are of riding my bike early in the mornings a few years ago with my neighbor..I was hoping I could get back to that again..but have to face it...can't do it and will have to find another hobby that I can do to get exercise...for now I will be satisfied with walking at the park...or hiking!

All day I've been having cravings for sugar and chips...so I ate cantelope instead..but I still had the cravings...I kept going into the kitchen to see if I could find anything to eat that would satisfy me but there wasn't anything...I kept telling myself that FOOD is only Fuel. I spoke with my Daughter a couple of times and she helped me get through to a point...but I found that I couldn't settle down to do anything because I wanted those damn tortilla chips and sugar cookies....finally I broke down and went to WalMart but once I got there I decided to make healthier choices...I bought Pretzels & graham crackers...I also bought some fresh tomatoes and banana's...Came home fixed me a tomato/spinach sandwich, pretzels and a graham cracker for dessert...and I feel content now...
I really need to come up with a food plan...and stick to it..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fuel for my body!

Yesterday I was remined by Dave, a friend who was on eDiets with me a couple of years ago, of something I believed then and have forgotten.

"Sue - I remember when we were all on eDiets and you telling us that you needed to remember that food is just FUEL FOR YOUR BODY. Nothing more: it can't make you happy or destressed...it's just fuel...just thought i'd give you a friendly reminder! :-D"

I've been stressing about what I eat and moaning about how I can't control my "comfort" eating and putting off writing anything about eating because I felt that I wasn't ready to look closely at my eating habits...which I know are "out of control". Sure I can eat "good" one day but find excuses the rest of the week for eating foods that I know are Not what I need to be eating.

This morning while walking at the park I got to thinking about "FUEL FOR MY BODY" and comparing it to my truck..Now my famous "Pink Truck" is a lot like me..she's getting older (I bought her new back in 1995) and she's had some hard wear & tear and isn't in the best of shape..but I love this truck..
Due to my money situation I've been putting the cheapest fuel I can find in her and haven't been changing oil or tires on her like I should...About a month ago she started to running bad...cutting out on me and having no power..and my friend Tommy the mechanic took a look at her and basically told me that I need to get a new vechicle because there was too much wrong with her..I don't have the money to even think about buying a new one and besides like I said "I LOVE MY TRUCK" and I'm not ready to give her up YET...My SIL put used tires on her and changed her oil for me and I decided that I would just drive her until she quit on me...
But I also decided to start putting the better  fuel back in her too...After a couple of weeks of using the better grade fuel I noticed that she quit "cutting out" out on me and has more power...Not as much as she had when she was new but much better...it is costing me more but it's definately worth it if I can keep my truck longer.

So I got to thinking about what "Fuel" I put in my body and expect it to run the way I want it too. I know that when I eat refined sugars, I get heartburn and end up coughing alot...but I've convinced myself that the candies/cookies and sugar in my tea taste sooo good and is so much cheaper that it's okay to eat them now and then (truthfully all the time).  I also know that my body doesn't function as good with the bread/pasta/potatoes that consist of most of my diet and I KNOW this has contributed to my weight gain. I also "cut out" (run out of energy) and have no power.  Although it's cheaper(?) to eat these foods I would feel so much better if instead of the candies/cookies I have a piece of fruit (which I happen to like also)...fresh steamed veggies work wonders for me instead of the bread/pasta/potatoes...oh I'm not saying I can NEVER have these things, it's just that like my truck I run better on the better grade "fuel".  There are times I still use the cheaper fuel in my truck but I only put enough in it until I can get the better grade fuel..I never fill up with it.  So I know that I will still have times when I eat the "wrong" thing but IF I can get back into my mind that this is FUEL for my body then hopefully I will be conservative with it and get right back to eating the better grade "Fuel"..That way I can see changes in my body and how I feel...
Thanks to my friend Dave for reminding me and helping me get back on the track.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Party and nothing to Wear!

I'm going to my Annual April Party on Saturday...and I don't have anything to wear!

 Everything I have in the closet either doesn't fit me anymore or is not party wear. So I decided to stop off at Ross's (my fav place to shop when I lost all the weight 4 yrs ago) to see if I could get inspired...I only gave myself a half hour but I did find a couple of things to try on..
The first dress I tried on was a long summer dress..I liked it on the rack but I thought it made my butt look too big (which it is!)...the second one ...the only reason I picked it was I thought I could wear it to a job also..but it was too  low in the front..Then I tried on a white skirt which I really liked but it was a little tight around the butt area (really need to work on that area) but decided that with my black blouse I have.. it might work..so I put the other two away and went to stand in line...of course the lady in front of me had a return and a price check..and I realized I didn't have time to wait so I put the skirt back on the rack and left to go to work...
The more I thought about the first dress.. the more I liked it..it was colorful (more party like than a white skirt and black top) and a good style for me...and I remembered I have this little short sleeve jacket that would go good with it (that would hide my big butt some). It really was comfortable and cute...so I stopped back between jobs (since it was on the way) to see if I could find it again and buy it...
Of Course it wasn't there anymore..and there wasn't any other like it on the rack...so I guess it wasn't meant to be..and all the reasons I don't want the white skirt are coming into mind..Like ME wearing white is not a good idea...for some reason White NEVER stays clean on me for more than a minute...I attract dirt or spills when I'm wearing white... and I'm always consious of the fact that white is so see-through altho this one had a bottom layer to it so it wouldn't be so bad...and do I go commando or go out and buy a pair of white panties to go with it...There were several of these skirts on the rack so I have no fear that I will get to the store and there won't be any..
My other option is to go to another Ross's (there are 3 in my area) and check to see if maybe the dress I really liked it there or Do I just go buy the white skirt and stop worrying about how I look?
More Later

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Morning Walk

I haven't been to the park for my walk since last Thursday.  I could give several excuses but the truth be told I could have gone even if it was in the evening...but I didn't.

I had trouble motivating myself to go this morning...I was in a VERY negative mood..thought of lots of reasons NOT to go...but I knew that once I got to the park and started walking that ALL would be good.

I got to my parking space (I always pick the same one by the playground and restroom) and sat in my truck listening to my radio show and trying to convince myself that I really wanted to get out and walk, Not turn around and go home.  Then I saw the "dark guy" that runs everyday...he does at least 4 turns around the lake and I figured he was on his first turn..he waved at me so I knew I had best get myself out and start walking..I have it figured how far I could get before I see him again..this time it would be just before I get to the "Big Bridge" about a mile...I'm still in a negative mood at this time and when I stopped to go the the bathroom before going..the restrooms were a mess (groundskeepers hadn't got there yet)...Now I ask you WHY do people trash restrooms? I decided not to use this one (it was that bad) and go to the one by the equestrian parking which is about a mile down the trail..As I started I saw one of the groundskeepers picking up all the trash from the past weekend...I do NOT understand why people leave their trash on the ground when there is trash containers through the park...it can't be that hard to carry it for a bit.  As I walk over the wooden bridge I start looking around and notice the sky is a beautiful blue..there is a fog lifting off from the lake and the birds are singing..I feel the stress and all the negative thoughts I'd been having lift and I rememebered why I love walking early in the morning...I got to the restroom and it was much better..not totally clean but good enough for me to go in...this one is NOT by the playground so I guess that goes to show that it must be "KIDS" that mess up public restrooms because surely Adults know better...
any way...As I get back on the trail I see the "lady with the 2 yellow labs"  (another regular) getting out her vehicle..she waves at me...I smile and wave back... There are only a few people who walk this early and most of them are regulars...as I get to the "big Bridge" the "dark Guy" goes by just like I thought...so I know I'm walking at a good pace.  I see my other "regualars", we say our good mornings...and I even stop after the "long Bridge" to talk with Mr. J & Mrs. A, a couple I've talked with before...I'm feeling pretty good by now...and wondering WHY I had such a hard time convincing myself to walk...
It's so much better to be in a Postitive mood than I negative mood...I'm going to work hard all day to stay that way...and then tomorrow I'll go back out there for another walk and dose of happiness.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day after turning 60!

Trying real hard here not to be discouraged...Spent the day having a yard sale...I am the queen of Bad yard sales and today was no exception...Not going to do it EVER AGAIN...no matter what!

Worked in the yard for awhile but mostly sat on my butt the last 2 days..I really need to get to the park and walk..if nothing else but to clear my head.

Maybe tomorrow will be better and I can write something worth while..

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Last day before turning 60!

In the past I've been known to ignore my b'day..like if I didn't acknowledge it I wouldn't get any older.I did this on my 50th...allowed no one to wish me Happy B'day or to even mention it...I think Lar and I probably went for a ride so I wouldn't have to take calls (he was never one for B'day's anyway).. For some reason I don't think my family is going to let me get away with it this year..I guess they figure 60 is a big deal.  I tend not to think about getting older. I really can't see myself  being old!
So what am I doing on my last day of being in my 50's? So far NOTHING! I got up and paid bills and have been reading a book and playing on the computer...I do have things I could do..like clean the house and finish getting ready for the yard sale tomorrow..The weather is cool today..suppose to rain..which would be nice cause it'll wash away some of the pollen. I just can't seem to get motivated today!

I think I should celebrate today not tomorrow after all I did make it through another decade...I suppose I should look back on the last decade to see what all I've accomplished..but I'm just not in the mood for that today..Maybe tomorrow!  I think I'll go have another cup of tea and read some more!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No energy today..

One of my goals is to come here and blog each day no matter what.
Today was Not one of my better days...but I've had worse. Nothing bad happened to me..no bad news..just didn't feel good...mostly allergies (I guess)..The pollen count was off the chart today..everything outside is covered in green pollen...I woke up with a stuffy head and decided against walking at the park...poor Morgan..it was our last day..I puttered around all day and didn't accomplish much until around 5ish then after taking a nap, I actually got myself outside and mowed the lawn...felt like I was covered with pollen..couldn't wait to take a shower.
I am sore all over and Still have no energy..hope tomorrow is better...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sweating like a Fool.(or Sweating with the Oldie..LOL)

If sweating makes you lose weight then by this time next week I should have lost pounds...LOL!
I've been busy with walking the dog, cleaning out the garage & riding the exercise bike...in all of these things I have to change my clothes after because I'm drenched. Its unusually hot here in the south for April which doesn't help.
Morgan and I went for our walk this morning earlier so it wasn't so bad..yesterday we went later in the morning after I blogged and I was drenched by the time we got done. Today was nice and cool...less people and less dogs...much better..aiming for the same time tomorrow. Normally I walk pretty early on my way home after taking care of Mike so it's usually cool.

Worked hard yesterday on Garage..SIL (son-in-law) came over and helped me move the couch and freezer that I'm going to sell at the garage sale..he also got my lawn mower running so I can mow tomorrow. Trying to finish up with sorting out what I want to sell and what I want to keep/throw away..I think I have it pretty much figured out..I'm Having trouble getting motivated because it's so darn hot out there but all I really have to do is clean everything up and figure out where I want to put the stuff I'm going to keep..I can tell when I've been depressed because everything is NOT organized. I used to have a really Neat/Clean garage..could find anything I needed in the dark...Need to get back to that!

Exercising!!!! Yep..I've been getting alot of that this week. My legs and feet hurt! But it's a good hurt cause I know I'm doing what I need to do...Morgan has been a good motivator...she loves walking at the park and I hate to think of her just out in the back yard being bored...besides I love walking in the morning at my favorite park..
The Exercise Bike I borrowed and put in my bedroom...Sunday night I almost had myself talked out of riding it ..told myself I would start on Monday...but then I had 20 mins left to the program I was watching on tv (can't remember what it was now) and so I got on the bike and rode until the program was over...my legs were burning within the first 5 min and my butt was killing me but I stuck it out...seemed like the longest 20 mins I can remember... then last night same struggle with myself...too tired..my legs hurt..I wanted to take a shower because I was all dusty/dirty from working in the garage..but I didn't let myself give into those excuses and got on the bike and rode for 20 mins while watching Dancing with the Stars...Man did I sweat up a storm...and the shower after felt sooooo good...

I've got some errands to run so thinking to do it now during the hot part of the day and work on the garage tonight...
So more to Come

Monday, April 5, 2010

Real Life Steps In

My mind is so scattered today...Trying to get myself together!
Yesterday I got a call (that threw me into a funk) from the Grandmother of Mike (the boy I take care of ) to tell me that he will be with his Mother all week and that I don't need to come. This is not good news since I only get paid for when I work.
The nature of both of my part time jobs are dependent on me working them..and since my second part time job is driving a bus for an after school program I had already knew that I won't be working this week during Spring Break,  but I was ok with that because I'm taking care of Morgan and that pretty much covers me..
My main part time job (the one I get more hours from) is taking care of Mike (18 yrs old) who has Cerebral Palsy who lives with his Grandmother. I go over in the morning and get him out of bed, dressed and off to school.(and when he doesn't go to school I stay with him for an extra couple of hours a day), then go back in the evening to exercise & give him his shower and put him to bed (there's more I do but this is the basics). I knew from the past experience that there was a possiblity that he might go to his Mom's for a couple of days but was hoping that I would be able to work at least a few days this week...No such luck!
Like a lot of people in this day and age I live pay check to pay check..Part time jobs do not pay much so I've budget myself very tightly..have limited myself to only things I absolutely cannot live without (or so I tell myself).  I've had a couple of extra expenses in the last couple of months that have pretty well wiped me out.
I know that I have to get a "real" (full time) job before this summer...altho my hours with  Mike can go up to 30 hrs a week..this is not enuff for me to live on. So I've been making excuses about getting out there and finding that job...more on this later.
Any way...Yesterday after I get the call, the first thing I do is go into the kitchen to find comfort food. This is one of my main problems as why I've gained the weight back...I've let my emotions run the show for so long that it's second nature..Yes I admit I am an Emotional Eater!  Even if I think there is nothing in the house that I can eat, I will find something!!!! I didn't want to think about what this set back means to me...It's not like eating will make it go away, or even make me feel better..but because I knew that I would have to come here and blog (threat I made to myself) I didn't...instead I went outside and tried to get my lawn mower started (which it won't) and then raked part of my front yard until I could figure out what I CAN do about making some monies this week. 
I've decided to have a Garage Sale..next weekend...First off understand that I have NEVER had a successful Garage/Yard Sale so I hate them!  I don't go to them because I feel that I have enuff junk already..and why would I want something that someone else doesn't. So why would anyone else want my junk.....But I've decided to bite the bullet..this will be a good way to get my garage cleaned out (something that has been needed for awhile)..I've been decluttering my house for the past year and everything I dont' want or need has gone into the garage so it is quite the mess...So after my walk this morning (with Morgan at the park) I will start going through the junk.
My Daughter has already donated a table & chairs, and Lady J has offered me a wing back chair...I will sell the freezer (works but I don't buy anything I need to freeze anymore) which I have to clean up...This is my plan to keep from going into a depression (which I usually do when something like this happens) and just sit around and read books or play on the computer all week...
Now that my mind is working better...I'm off for my morning walk.
More to come later

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Morning and it's all about Exercise!

I'm taking care of my neighbors (Lady E) dog this week while she's in Florida.  Morgan (the dog) is my motivation for walking this weekend...We had a fun 3 mile walk yesterday morning at my favorite park. I even let her play in the water for a bit...then we sat on a hill and watched all the people until she dried off a bit..she did a lot of rolling in the grass and shaking...It was fun..I had planned on walking her around the neighborhood last night but got home from the "Daughter's"  and watched TV and came here and blogged instead. We'll be leaving for the park after I get done here. We went a little later yesterday and there were too many people with dogs for me..hopefully today being Easter there will be less...

I usually do ok on walking at the park in the morning on nice days during the week but weekends I find myself making excuses not to go. As I said this is my favorite park..it has a lake with a 3 mile trail around it..there are off trails but I enjoy the lake...a couple of good steep inclines and 2 restrooms situated in really good places (which is important when your my age lol)..

Next weekend I've got a date to walk with my BFF Lady M & (possibly) Lady D on Saturday so the only day I'll have to push myself is on Sunday.
Early this morning when I went to let Morgan out for a potty break I "borrowed" (which means I brought it to my house) Lady E's exercise bike (it was in her garage not being used...oh yeah, I cleared it with her first) and set it in my bedroom and tried it out for a couple of minutes...got a good leg burn but realized how much I've let myself get out of shape... I'm planning to get at least 20 mins (starting out) on it in the evenings..I do have a tv in there so that should give me extra exercise. The ultimate plan is to get where I feel comfortable to ride a "real" bike again..I have some friends in my THUS group who bought bikes last summer and talked about doing bike rides but I felt that I wouldn't be able to keep up with them..so now I'll be on the look out for a good used bike.  I do have one in the garage that my #1 niece gave me but it is pretty rusted and needs new tires...since I don't know the first thing about fixing bikes it has set there since last summer...easier (if I can afford it) to buy another one that is all ready to ride..

I figure I need (starting out) at least 1 1/2 hrs a day of exercise to burn the calories.which I should be able to do with walking and riding the bike but in case that isn't enough..I've also dug out my old vcr exercise tapes..3 Billy Blanks TaeBo , Pilates for Dummies,  Bellydance (this one put me to sleep before the girls voice is soooo monentous), and Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies.  I do not have a DVD player so will be on the lookout for more VCR tapes...there has to be someone out there that wants to get rid of them..I really would like to find one for Beginner's Yoga,  or something with meditation...I also have Bill Phillips Body for Life tapes (I still like his old program) and eDiets Dr. Skare motivation cd's (I use to listen to these in my sleep at night..maybe this time I'll listen to them while I'm awake LOL).
 Then there is mowing the lawn and taking care of the yard...I figure IF I ever get my lawn mower running then I will count this as exercise too..maybe I'll have the yard that I used too have again...the last few years it's looked pretty pitiful...

Ok got my laundry in the dryer and it's time for me to go take Morgan for that promised walk..
More to come later...
Happy Easter to All...

1 PM...back from our walk...dog is tired and I'm all sweaty but had a great walk. Yesterday Morgan was still full of energy when we got back so today we did a little running/jogging and I think I really wore her out...I know I'm ready for a rest.  Beautiful warm day out there..not too many people but did watch a family hunt for Easter Eggs while we sat on the same hill as yesterday cooling down after our walk.  Love this weather!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Living on a Budget.

I've been blaming my weight gain on living with very little monies for years.  Although I think it is a big part, I don't think it is the only reason I gained 50 pounds in the last 3 years after working so hard to lose the weight.
When I think back to the first time I lost over 70 pounds, I did it by going to a doctor, who put me on supplements and a 1200 calorie a day diet. The only exercise I did was walking every day and riding a bike on the weekends and I lost the weight.. When I reached 179 (from 265 pounds) I decided that I could do it on my own without the doctors help.. Not long after that Larry got sick and I used that for an excuse to give up the walking/biking and started eating pretty much the way I ate before I lost the weight. I gained back up to 235 pounds.  Then after Larry passed away I lucked into a good job and with the little monies left from his life insurance I was able to join a gym and get a trainer and for 3 years I did good..Eating healthy, taking supplements and exercising. I started doing things I had only dreamed about for years..hiking/backpacking, playing racquetball, made some really good friends.  For 3 years I lived what I call "the good life".and went from 235 pounds to 165 pounds... I felt good about myself for the first time in a long time...Then life as it has a habit of doing, took a turn for the bad for me again..I quit my job for a "better" opportunity..which didn't work out and since then for one reason or another I've gone downhill...working part time jobs, quitting the gym, gave up the supplements (can't afford them) and eating alot of the wrong foods on a small budget . So here I sit weighing over 200 pounds and unhappy with myself..no monies to spend on doctors or gyms/trainers and I wonder if and How  I can get back to where I want to be with my weight and turn around my life again. Hell YES!!! I CAN!!!
If I've learned anything in this life, It is that life will always throw you a curve ball...just when you think it's all good..wham..life will try to knock you down.  I've picked myself up before and I know I can do it again. I've had a lot of practice and each time I've learned a little more..maybe this time I will figure out how not to let those knocks rule my life. Life is probably always going to be hard for me..but then I'm far from alone in this
So The challenge this time around will be to figure out how to "Eat Healthy 4 - 1 On a Budget" (I'm thinking this might be a good name for a book, if there isn't one already) and exercise at little or no cost. I'm a step ahead time around because I have a really strong support group to help me (more about them later)..
The exercise I think I've gotten figured out...just have to keep focused and motivated. 
Eating is going to be the real problem for me..but I have alot of resources to use. And I know I'll figure it out..it just might take some time.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Finding the Solution!

Yesterday I was busy making lists and figuring out what I want out of this Blog. I'm always gong ho for the first couple of weeks and then .....it all starts fall apart. So I figure since I'm aware of this problem then I should be able to find a solution. I want to have fun, take out the dreary from the process!

 I learned the last time I lost a big amount of weight that making "Goals" and "Journaling" are two of the most important things to keep one motivated...Also Having Support Groups. So I Sent out emails to a group of friends and family that I think will be a lot of help keeping me in line after the newness wears off. I think I'll call the group "Lady Sue's Court"...just an idea..nothing is for sure at this time..I also am part of a couple of other Weight Loss groups that I haven't been participating in much for reasons I'll probably go into later.

I have lost large amounts of weight twice in the last 15 years and gained back most of it both times..Each time I've learned a little more about losing and how to keep it off (losing is the easier part for me)...It is time I take all I know (and all my Support Groups have to give me) and put it into effect.

 I'm looking at what I want to be in the next 10 years (when I grow up..lol). My Mom is one of my inspirations, altho she is now having troubles with demetia, when she was in her 60's & 70's she was a very active woman...I don't think she started to slow down until she was in her late 70's. She has been a walker all her life..I think I take after her in this because for as long as I can remember I've Walked. I love my morning walks at the park (when I go). It not only helps me exercise, it helps me get myself together.  When I'm feeling bad about things a walk makes it all seem so much better. I haven't gone hiking much in the last couple of years because of the weight I've gained back. I can still do the hikes but I'm too slow to keep up with the younger (ages 30-40's) people (there are some people my age but they are VERY fit) in the hiking groups I'm in.  They all tell me that it's no problem but I get so frustrated so that I can't enjoy the hike.  I did hike on Christmas Day...and it was great...cold but great.

I'll be posting my wieght, measurements & goals in a few days (and probably pictures if I can get them) . I've got to get up the nerve first.  This is Step One of admitting to myself that I am not as fit as I think of myself...that's why I rarely look in mirrors anymore...it's like on the Biggest Loser...the first thing all the couples did this season was have a weigh-in in front of all their families and friends...scary but I can see why it is necessay. I'm thinking of doing the same thing tomorrow..

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Hike

Starting out strong here..I just signed up for my April Hike with Atlanta Outdoor Club (to be referred as AOC from here on) on April 18th..
 In the spirit of fun I signed up for Barefoot Hiking @ Ft Yargo which is just down the road from where I live..not sure how far I'll be hiking barefoot but it sounded fun and should give me time to toughen up my feet.
I do go barefoot around the house all the time but have become a sissy outside...besides I have too many SweetGum trees in my yard.

For exercise this weekend I plan on doing some yardwork! Mowing and maybe some raking but I think I'll wear my shoes..LOL.

9 pm (note to self)...just realized that I have the yearly April Party with All my THUS friends on the 17th..which will be an all nighter....What was I thinking?  So now I'm going to have to cancel the hike and look for another one...drat barefoot hiking sounds like so much fun.

Starting over!

Here it is the first day of April 2010.  On my walk at the park I realized that I am going to be 60 years old in a few days and I DON'T want to be OLD..I want to be 60 years YOUNG!   I want to be that woman that everyone looks at and can't believe her age..not by how she looks but by how she acts.  I have it in me to do this but I've gotten sidetracked the last few years.  I'm going to find the Lady Sue in me!

The first thing I have to do to get back on track is to feel good about myself again...and to do this I WILL Lose Weight.  The extra pounds I'm carrying make it hard to get motivated to do the things I like.
Also my Attitude about myself needs much improvement...I don't want to be that Grouchy Old Lady who sits around on her ass and complains all day..

I know I need a Support group and am working on a plan to get it..I have LOTS of Freinds on FaceBook and in my life..so I Will Utilize them.

I need to Account for myself what and how I am going to. That's what this Blog is for.

I'm working on my big Plan/Goals:
Lose 50 pounds by October 1, 2010. This gives me 6 months..I've done it before and I know I can do it again.
Blog each day! (even if it's just a line or two)
Walk/run a 5K and a 10K in that time..possibly the Tribble Mill 5K and the Duluth.
Do at least 1 hike a month..getting to a Level 5 hike with AOC by September.

My Rewards will be feeling better (healthwise and mentally), Getting back into my skinnier clothes (which I've kept), and possibly finding a new love in my life (joking?).

To do all this I know it will be hard but I've got to start somewhere and it's always good to have a record to track my success (notice ONLY positive things in this Blog).
More To Come