Goal # 3 is to do a 5k (run or walk)
I've just signed up (and paid) on line for the Duluth Fall Festival 5k race on Sept 26th. And since there is no refund, I have one month to get myself ready.
I've just signed up (and paid) on line for the Duluth Fall Festival 5k race on Sept 26th. And since there is no refund, I have one month to get myself ready.
5 years ago when this picture was taken I came in second place for my age group (and got the plaque to show for it..LOL) at this race I look happy don't I? I was in pretty good shape because I had worked hard for 2 years and was close to my weight goal. I had lost over 60 pounds.
I would love to have this success again (in the race and the weight loss).
I'll tell you the truth..I have the jittery stomach thinking about putting myself out there again. I know I can do this. I need to get myself out of the "comfort zone" at the gym and start pushing myself more.
SO the Plan (I seem to love plans today) is to start running intervals on the treadmill at the gym in the evenings after work at least 3 times a week. I need to get up earlier in the morning (truthfully I've been staying up till 12- 1 in the morning and then staying in bed until 8 am) and take a walk/jog around the neighborhood..it's got some great hills at least 2 days a week (if not more). On my days off I need to get my butt to my favorite park (which is where I trained for 5k & 10k's before) whether it's in the morning or the evening..I've done this in the past and I can do it again.
I have my support team behind me...I 've just talked with my daughter and she and the grandkids are coming to cheer me on. I also posted on facebook so I know that all my friends will be supporting me.
I have the KNOWLEDGE all I have to do is put it into ACTION!
And since today is my day off I will finish cleaning my house and then go to the park..I HAVE A GOAL!
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