I need to get myself together and start pushing to do the things I know I need to. I've been letting myself ride on exercise and eating healthy. Just can't seem to push myself to the point I need to. I went to the gym last night but used the excuse that there were too many people there to really push myself. I didn't give into the "inner child" who was pouting because there wasn't a treadmill or elliptical available. I did 20 mins on the bike instead..I hate the bike..it hurts my a$$...not good on the hymroids (MITN)..and then although I should have done lower body, I did upper body instead. I haven't done lower body forever...I hate leg workouts..I love the feeling of being strong by pushing my weights up on upper body...
This morning I drugged myself out of bed and did my own Ab workout...
This is the same workout I did last week...but then I didn't do anything else the rest of the week..I need to break this routine and get in more days of exercise.
The only exercise I get at work is going up and down the stairs to check on Princess Val.. Most of the day I sit and read my book.
Need to go and get ready for work...
Took my supplements this morning!
Got my gym bag packed.
Got my soup for lunch ready.
More Later
LS: Kudos to you for just showing up for yourself at the gym. That is the first step. I swear it is the baby steps that will keep us all going in the right direction. J