Ok so I've had a problem coming here and blogging like I promised myself I would do...wish I could figure out how I did it years ago when I was blogging "Me, Myself & I". If I'm going to be truthful with myself (and I'm trying for that end result even if it hurts...LOL) then I will admit that I mostly blogged when I was at work..my job then was not real demanding and I had a lot of "down time"..and I was also on a "high" because I was feeling so good about myself and my progress with my weight loss. Each day was a "WOW" day for me...I was excited and happy with myself. That's the person I want to be again. Well Maybe not quite the Same but I want that feeling back.
In trying to get Motivated I actually opened up a email from SparkPeople, which I joined some time ago but rarely go to anymore (I did for a while when I first joined but mostly just look at the recipes)..I found after I joined that most of the articles I felt like I already knew it all or that I didn't want to hear about other people's successs..but i didn't cancel my membership..you never know when you might actually want that motivation and support..like today..
Anyhoooo,... today I read 2 articles www.sparkpeople.com/resource/motivation_articles.asp?id=196
9 Hidden Reasons to Stay Motivated
25 Ways to get Back on Track Today
Again Nothing New...but for some reason it was what I probably needed to read today.. I even printed them out because I can never remember exactly what I read unless I go over it again and again...
So anyhoooo...The first article is the one I want to look at seriously today..maybe I will take 1 reason a day and see how I can make it my own...
This is my way of getting back on track (I hope).
1. Confidence
"How did it feel after that first jog around the block? Or when you finally walked the stairs at work without losing your breath? The more you accomplish, the more you'll believe in yourself."
I hate it that I'm back to where I can't jog or even go up a flight of stairs without losing my breath or having my legs hurt so much. I do remember how good it felt that first time I ran a 5K (I even got a trophy for my age group). That's why one of my goals is to do another 5K. Part of that feeling good about myself was Confidence that I could do anything that I set my mind too. So where is that Confidence now? What happened to me that I now say those words that I refused to say before "I CAN'T DO THIS"..
I find myself waiting for people to do things for me that before I would have just gone ahead and done it myself and never think a thing about it..Telling myself that I'm too out of shape or it's too hard for me to do it.(or even GOD Forbid too OLD).It's defintely all a mind set.
It's easy for the writer to tell you to get Confidence but he doesn't tell you HOW to get it back...I know that to my friends and family I am Confident (after all didn't I skydive last year) but inside I fear Failure..what if I can't do this or what if it is too hard. I need to go deep inside of me and find that Confidence in myself again so that I can Know that I can Find Lady Sue, that person who feels good about herself whether she is at her "perfect" weight or not..
I need to get off my butt (and this computer) and go out and climb that flight of stairs until I can do it without losing my breath...I remember when I first started going to the gym back in 2003 I could hardly climb the 6 stairs up to the weight room in the gym...and so everyday I would make myself go up and down them as fast as I could until I could do it without losing my breath (it took a couple of weeks) and then I did it carrying weights...people in the gym looked at me like I was crazy but after a while they got used to me and applauded my efforts. This gave me the confidence to do other things...so maybe How I get my Confidence back is to do the things that I'm afraid of failing, and if I do fail them then try again until I can do it.
I think Step #1 to Getting Back on Track is to BELIEVE IN MYSELF!
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