Instead of sitting around all morning and moaning/groaning about not having any monies I decided to do something about it. I just applied for a part time job (my second job) to take up some of the slack. It would be assisting an 80 plus year old woman (who's had a stroke) in the morning before I head over to take care of Princess Val. Although I've never taken care of a "senior" citizen (chuckle here because I now qualify to be one) before I have no doubt I could do this. So keeping my fingers crossed that this works out..If not then I'll look for something else. Sitting around on my Ass isn't going to make things better!..
I'm staying at home on my days off this week (trying to save gas money) instead of going to the park or the gym to work out but that is not going to stop me from getting some exercise.. Yesterday I worked out to one of my Tae Bo tapes..It was fun and amazing how much easier it was then the last time I did it (a couple of months ago)..
Today I got up and took a walk in the neighborhood...It's one of the routes I had mapped out before when I was training to do 5K & 10K runs, it has some pretty steep hills..I walked 3 miles. I didn't do any running this morning because I wanted to time myself I can work on bettering my time the next time I walk this route. It was a beautiful cool morning with a breeze..I walked at 9 pm so although I am on a main road part of the time there wasn't much traffic..The problem with where I live is there are NO sidewalks so I have to walk on the road. The last time I did this route there were some loose dogs but not today..I'm not afraid of dogs and usually don't have any problem with them but it is a worry anyway...
When I got home I took a quick shower, put on some regular jeans (it's cool out today) instead of the stretch band capri's I've been wearing and fixed myself some oatmeal/cranberries for breakfast. Called my Daughter and wished her a Happy Birthday (how did she get so old.?.I was thinking she is only 32 but she told me she is 37 today...Where do the years go?) Then I came here to check on some "blog" friends to see how they were doing..(it's bad but I've just spent 2 hrs reading other people's blogs..I remember how addictive this can be...LOL).
Now it's time to go to the grocery store and see what I can buy for $35 to eat the next week...A challenge if ever I've seen...but I think I'm up for it now...I'm thinking I'll make a good healthy soup that will last me a couple of days..and then I'll mow the lawn later this afternoon...
Not bad for my day off! :-)
Sounds like you're in command! Good work all around I'd say.