Weight loss goal

Friday, October 29, 2010

Books, Books, and more Books

I know that I should be blogging about "weight loss" but I'm on a kick on something else right now (at least for today).

B'day bookcase
  I love to read..in fact you could call me an avid reader. I read all kinds of books..I go through periods of doing nothing but reading (I'm in one of those periods now). I truthfully could live without TV but don't take my books away.

I have bookcases full of books in every room of my house (except the bathrooms).  Larry had the bookcase  in my office built for me for my B'day one year (best gift EVER)...and the small bookcase in my living room is the one my GrandDad built over 50 years ago.

GrandDad's Bookcase

 This is only 2 of my many bookcases. I have Books stacked up on the floor in two rooms because I've run out of space for bookcases..books in boxes in the closet...book up in the attic...boxes out in the garage...my kids tell me that I can never move because of the books..Get the idea!

With so many books I sometimes forget what book I have and when I go to the bookstore I end up buying a book only to find out I have it already. (This happened to me last week)..or that my daughter has it in her books.
Anyway I've tried to catalog all of my books on the computer a couple of times in the past..it has never worked...either my computer crashed and I lost all the info or I would see a book that I hadn't read for awhile and would get sidetracked and start reading again. Last night I decided that I would try again and stayed up till 3 am this morning working on a simple Excel Spreadsheet and now I don't have time to think about blogging about weight loss...but I'm still working on it.
Got to go to work...I love this job because while I'm waiting for Princess Val to get dressed and eat, I have to be real quiet...so I sit there and READ a book!...It's the Perfect Job for me..I just wish it paid more. But hey I'm not complaining..IT's a JOB!

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