Weight loss goal

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Happened to Glenn?

I've been following Glenn @ Fifty Five & Fat and he was one of my followers but tonight I see he dropped out..I hope it wasn't something I said. I hope everything is all right with him, he's been doing so good. I love his commuting stories and he always has  positive comments to my blog. That's one of the problems with blogging..you get to "know" and like people and then all of sudden they drop out and you have no idea what happens to them.
Glenn..if you read this..I hope everything is good for you! You have been a real inspiration to me!


  1. Hi there, thanks for the kind words and thoughts. I decided I was spending an unhealthy amount of time blogging and reading blogs. It was starting to get in the way of living life and doing things in the real world. I found myself checking for posts over and over and checking on all my friends, you included, too often. If I could do both, live here and in the real world, I would but, at least for now, I've packed away my Internet life and pulled out my real one to spend my time on. I wish you the best in life and on your journey. Warm regards, Glenn

  2. Glenn, I understand totally. I've struggled with the same problem with here and Facebook...feeling like I HAVE to be here..that's when I usually make myself stay away from the computer for a couple of days or limit my time (say a hour)...Just know that you (and your stories) will be thought of and I'll look forward to when you feel you can come back.
    Good luck in finding what works for you..and if you ever need a sounding board let me know.
