Weight loss goal

Monday, October 18, 2010

Where did the weekend go?

Here it is Monday morning already. The weekend went so fast. I didn't get all that I had plan accomplished but I still feel I had a pretty good time. My daughter & g'daughter came over Saturday and we got the kitchen./dining room windows washed. This is a big job and I couldn't have gotten it done without their help. It was nice spending time with my daughter..we laughed alot remembering the past when Larry was alive. Although he was her Step Dad, to my daughter Larry was her DAD. We got together when she was seven years old and although there were times when they didn't get along..most of the time they did..Lots of memories there. (For some reason I've been thinking about Larry alot lately..it's been seven years since he died).
Sunday I took my hike and then mostly slept and did nothing the rest of the day.
I have to work straight through the next 8 days to make up the days the extra days that I did get off..It won't be any big deal since my job isn't all that hard.
I've got my bag for the gym packed and will hit it hard there tonight after work. I'm planning to get at least 5 days in at the gym this week.
More later


  1. Five days at the gym is an ambitious plan, good for you!

  2. when I first read your comment I thought you said "five guys at the gym" . LOL.. Now that would be an ambitious plan and it would definetly motivate me.
    I do like looking at the "eye candy" at the gym but mostly I'm there to work out. You did notice I said "mostly". Hey I may be old but I'm not dead (yet)..
    Thanks for all of your comments..it's nice to know I'm not alone in this journey.
