I didn't go to the gym AGAIN last night! All day my back was bothering me. Not sure what the problem was but it is better this morning (finally). So I spent the time I would have at the gym and went to the store to pick up some things I need for Friday night (should free me up to go to the gym Thurs night).
Then came home and watched The Biggest Loser. Which will probably be the last time I watch that show for this season. It's now getting more into the competition part of the show and they put that girl from Atlanta that cries all of the time that I couldn't stand in the first show on.
For the past week I haven't been able to get back into my routine at the gym for some reason or other (mostly excuses). I have big plans to get back and really work out on a regular schedule but it seems that I'm not as COMMITTED as I need to be. I am the one holding me back. I use the excuse I want to "find myself" first before really getting serious and committing to lose this weight but after reading Jodi at Truth2BeingFit I realize that I need to commit to my exercise plan and my eating plan NOW and while I'm losing the weight work on how I can stay on my plans and not get side tracked like I have the last couple of weeks.
I'm going to follow Dr J's advice on Getting Unstuck. He really hits on exactly why I'm stuck.
So many others out there are doing it. Yes, it's harder now that I'm older, alone and broke (these are only Excuses) but I am sure there is a way to do it and I WILL figure it out. My new Mantra is not "I'm going to do it" but "I AM DOING IT"..thanks Dr.J.
I think you'll do just fine.