Weight loss goal

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Enjoying Breakfast

Yesterday I fixed the breakfast I said I was BUT then I brought it in here and ate it while I was on the computer...afterwards I barely could remember what I ate. This is a BAD habit I've gotten into the last couple of years and It's probably going to be one of the hardest to break. I will fix a good meal but instead of enjoying it, I will be doing something else while eating it..even when I do eat at the table it's usually while reading a book. Lately I've been bad about bringing my food into the office and eating while on the computer. The problem with this is that I'm not satisfied...half the time I feel that I haven't even eaten so I go looking for something else to eat. Sometimes, especially if I eat while watching tv, I can't even remember what I ate.  The other thing that is bad, is that although I love to cook and try new recipes, lately I've been only eating what only takes a couple of mins to either nuke in the micro wave.

So this morning I fixed an white egg omlete with mushrooms/onions, turkey bacon, cataloupe and a glass of mango juice AND made myself sit at the table and eat it.  I took my time eating it and enjoying the flavors. Looked out my windows and enjoyed my yard..Just plain had some ME time...I did not rush through it so I could get on the computer or start reading my book. And I feel full and satisfied.

Now this isn't something new, something I didn't know..in fact it's a habit I had when I lost the weight before..sometimes it's not easy to make myself sit at the table and enjoy because I've got so much on my mind or something else I would rather be doing...but I know that "Mindless eating" is one of the reasons I did not keep the weight off this time.
I can make excuses for why I fell back to not minding HOW I ate, and What I ate, But again they are only EXCUSES! But I'll try to remember just how Nice it was to sit there and enjoy my breakfast..
Good way to start the morning..:-)

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