Weight loss goal

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Each day I read other blogs to "motivate" me...or just because I want to know that I'm not alone in this search for the "Me" I know I can be..Today Jodi over at Truth 2 Being Fit talked about what makes you happy. Will reaching my goal make me happy? Well Sure but I think I can find happiness Now too..I don't want to wait till I reach a certain number on the scale to be happy..

So I got to thinking about Just What makes me happy NOW?..here's a few on my list! (in no particular order)

*Waking up in the morning to the sun shining through my windows!
*Seeing my grandkids laughing and playing with their parents..growing up to be such great people.
*Walking at the park early in the morning, watching the geese fly over the lake.
*Watching the season change & playing in the leaves...yep..I'll always be a kid at heart..
*Sitting down on my back porch to read a book.
*Going to the book store and browsing....
*Remembering good times I had with my husband when he was alive..this also makes me a little sad sometimes but I'm happy I have such good memories.
*Being able to walk into the gym and knowing that I am on "Plan".

I don't know about anyone else out there but I'm not waiting till I'm "the perfect" size to enjoy life..Life has a way of not waiting for you!

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