Weight loss goal

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In This Topsy Turvy World

some times all it takes is knowing that you aren't alone..thanks to Grump and her comments on my last blog!

I woke up this morning thinking to myself.."I don't know why I keep struggling with this when I know I can't do it...I have no will power when it comes to food...I'm going to be busy this week and I won't get any exercise so I'll probably just put back on the weight that's taken me this long to take off...So why keep trying! Why don't I just Accept that I'm destined to be "Old and Fat"...Talk about feeling sorry for myself!!!

Well...thanks to Grump who got me going this morning I'm not going to Accept it. I deserve to be "fit & healthy"  I want to feel good about myself..It's when I stop caring that I defeat Myself! One thing that can be said about me is that I'm not a Quitter... What I really want to defeat is this feeling that I don't deserve to be what I know I can be..I just wish that it wasn't so hard to do.

Well, Nothing has ever been easy in my life, from my childhood, to losing a son and a husband...I've struggled with not having money before (you would think I would be good at it by now) and I've been by myself this past 8 years (really missing Larry today)..and will probably be by myself the rest of my life...So do I accept that all the bad things happening in my life and ignore all the good things I do have...NOT ON YOUR (or MY) LIFE!

Sure I don't have extra money to spend on presents for my family this year BUT I will still have Christmas at my house on Christmas Eve..I know that the kids all understand that I'm  not be able to give expensive gifts but I do have lots of LOVE to give to each of them. And although Larry isn't with me for Christmas (you would think after 8 years it would get easier), he's in my heart as always.

I'm determined I will get to the gym at least 2X this week. I will eat my soup (which is already made for the week) for lunch. I will not give into this Self pity party! Even if I don't lose weight this week I will NOT give up, there is always next week!

On the Positive Side...My bills are paid for this month..I have groceries in my house..I always have a book I can read..and I have family and friends out there that care about me...what else could a person want in life?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sue - I know we live a long, long way away from each other, but I so understand how sometimes it is so easy to focus on our losses, life's unfairness and all we don't have. I am full of admiration for you after reading this post.

    Like you I have been worrying about not being able to provide much in terms of 'stuff' for my family this year. I only have enough to pay the bills and there is little left over. It plays on my mind a lot. However, like you, I can provide a home full of love and warmth, and when all is said and done, happy times, not things, make memories.

    I am so sorry you lost your son and then your husband. It must be very hard not to dwell on the harshness of those losses. I sympathise, but I am also full of admiration for your positive approach to a life which remains hard.

    I am going to pinch a bit of your positivity for myself if you don't mind. Thank you for the inspiration Sue. I must look more often to all that I do have.

    I must also ensure that I also cherish that great gift...the bonus of good health. I have lots of ailments, and really, to keep them at bay I have to keep fit. I have keep-fit and dance DVDs which gather dust in the home, and a bike sitting in front of my TV which rarely gets used these days. You make yourself exercise. I shall try to follow your lead.

    Thanks for that post. You gave me so much to think about x x
